Favourite mottos:
You can grow only as big as the fish bowl you are currently in. If you want to grow, move to a pond, then a lake, and then an ocean.
Business rules:
1. Schedule and Monitor your time as if it's gold.
2. Don't buy anything unless you have use for it now.
3. Create and regularly review your budget.
4. Create and regularly review your marketing and sales plan.
5. Create continuously growing Passive Revenue (Revenue your business generates that you are not trading your time for).
6. Become proficient at creating revenue-generating products.
7. Outsource anything that can be completed by less hourly than you.
8. Only read and learn what you need now.
9. Write your goal dollar amount on "the biggest piece of paper" so that you can see it.
10. Don't talk about things, do them.
11. Finish what you start - always.
12. Have a system or process for everything (including back up plan).
13. Don't allow technology to steal your time.
14. Leverage all your resources as much as possible.
15. Work with a good coach, one with years of experience in what you want to accomplish.
16. Find and use business strategic alliances to promote and advance your products.
17. Learn to say no and say it quickly when it isn't currently in your focus.
18. Record ideas, thoughts and suggestions.
19. Always know your BE point (break even point) for every project/service/product you do.
20. Being rested is being productive (play sports to clear your mind).
21. Care for your health (hygiene as well).
22. Dress so that you feel comfortable and powerful with your energy. It radiates and attracts.
23. Separate your family time from business (set your mind-boundaries).
24. Have a twice-a-year vacation with family.